Welcome to Tricksy Puppets.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Penguin and Owl Finger Puppets

I made 2 new finger puppets today. One is a penguin and one is an owl. They are both made from acrylic felt, which is made from recycled soda bottles. Glad to know all those empties I returned turned into something useful.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Puppets at World Ren. Faire

Yesterday I went to the World Renaissance Faire by Irvine Lake and found a puppet booth. So I took a few photos of her amazing puppets. It's a shame the event didn't have more customers. She said business had been slow. It really takes an optomist to start a new faire in this economy. I hope the event had more visitors on Sunday.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Car Fox

Car Fax has a new commercial mascot which is a car Fox puppet. Always nice to spot a puppet in a TV commercial. When the customer asks for a Car Fax, the slippery salesman pulls out the Car Fox puppet instead.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Spoon Monster?

This isn't quite a puppet yet, but I think I can turn it into a rod puppet. I just need to figure out how to fasten a dowel to it, or maybe tuck a wooden spoon inside and crochet around the handle to secure it. Has potential.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Paper Bag Puppets

There sure are a lot of puppets on Flickr. So if you need some inspiration or just want to have some fun, go to http://www.flickr.com and type in puppet or puppetry or finger puppets into their search engine.

Or go to google and click on images and look at all the puppets. Try looking for handpuppet, marionette, fingerpuppet, and so on. Remember paper bag puppets? Those are still good fun for a rainy day. I like old school stuff anyway. I grew up in a family with five kids so we made a lot of paper bag puppets. Our hallway became an impromptu puppet theater and no cardboard box was safe from being turned into a television with puppets dancing inside.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Found Art Puppets

Before you run to the store to buy even more parts for making puppets, check your home stash first. Here is a list of things that can be converted to use as a puppet or puppet theater.

1. Margarine and yogurt containers.
2. Coffee can lids.
3. Egg cartons.
4. Foam trays from veggies.
5. Pipe cleaners
6. Bits of ribbon, lace and trim left from other projects
7. Quilt scraps that are too small for quilts
8. Hair bows, ties, bobby pins
9. Zip ties
10. Wire twist ties from trash bag cartons.
11. Gourds
12. Balls
13. Feathers
14. Thread, yarn, artificial sinew scraps
15. Old spools
16. Telephone wire leftovers
17. Any wire
18. Paints
19. Beeswax
20. Hot melt glue
21. Gesso
22. Flour, salt, water (bread dough art)
23. Dried flowers, herbs, leaves
24. Tiddly winks, dice, random game pieces
25. Driftwood
26. Onion skins, tea, coffee (for dyeing)
27. Lids off of bottles
28. Socks
29. T-shirts
30. Rags
31. Hankerchiefs
32. Old screens
33. Dryer vent hose scraps
34. Buttons
35. Sleeves from sweaters, long sleeved t-shirts
36. Drapes
37. Bamboo (chopsticks, skewers, placemats)
38. Barettes
39. Rubber bands or elastic hair ties
40. Seeds
41. Tights
42. Rubber stamps
43. Wool roving
44. Stain or shoe polish
45. Shoe parts
46. Eyelets or snaps
47. Leather scraps
48. Broken toys
49. Unwanted holiday ornaments
50. Dryer lint
51. Paper scraps
52. Dowels, broom handles, broom bristles.
53. Soda bottles

And this is just the beginning. Most of us throw away tons of stuff that can be put to use in the world of puppets. Young children will need to be supervised. Remember, temporary puppets for a few days of fun can be made of things that might fall apart over time, like moss and sticks. For more permanent puppets use plastic, metal washers, and so on to give it more durability.

Mouse Archer Fingerpuppet

Right now I'm working on mouse finger puppets. The first one is an archer mouse that's gotten rave reviews so far and I'm not even done with it yet. Think Robin Hood only with a tail and a beady nose.

I still want to make some big mouth puppets this year. I went to Walmart to look for the thin foam to put inside the head, and to my surprise they have all but removed their craft dept. So I'll have to get it at Joann's after all.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

New Follow Button and Counter

I just added a FOLLOW button to the right and an apple counter at the very bottom. Wish I'd thought of it before but there is no time like the present.

I just got a bunch of new yarn because Walmart is closing out their craft department at the store in Buena Park at the Red Heart yarn was marked down to $2.00 a skein. It doesn't take much yarn to make a finger puppet. But I use yarn for everything from lap blankets to hats. I'm in no danger of running out of yarn anytime soon.

I want to come up with a handmade way to make puppet eyes so I'm no longer enslaved by the plastic eyes. I've tried felt, embroidery thread, and buttons. But I want something even more unique than that. I'll have to put on my thinking cap.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Best Puppetmakers on Etsy

Yay I got a treasury. I called it Best Puppetmakers on Etsy. So hop on over there to see it. BEST

It will be up until Friday at 9 PM. It's a fun and colorful group of hand puppets, finger puppets, marionettes and big mouthed puppets.

Two New Finger Puppets by Pigglewiggins

I just listed two new finger puppets in my Etsy shop. One is a rainbow butterfly with purple sequined wings and the other is a funky froggie. They should show up there in my Etsy Mini over on the side.

In honor of my new puppets I'm trying to snag an Etsy treasury called the Best Puppetmakers on Etsy. If I get one I'll let you know. Plenty of inspiration out there in puppetland to keep me busy for years.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Octopus Finger Puppets

Show my new guys some love. I hope to make some different sea creatures soon. Though I do love cephalopods.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Bike Chain Bracelet

If puppets can make a bike chain bracelet, so can you.

Monday, March 16, 2009

New Octopus Finger Puppet

This yellow guy is the first of I hope many octopuses. He is crocheted in yellow yarn with funny wiggly eyes for you cephalopod lovers out there. I already have a rainbow octupus and a aquarmarine one finished but haven't had time to take good photos. It feels good to have a new puppet around.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Hollywood Walk of Fame Shari Lewis

Today when I was walking down Hollywood Blvd. I saw a star on the sidewalk for Shari Lewis (ventriloquist for Lambchop). Other than her many TV appearances, I saw her live once at the L.A. County Fair in Pomona. So I was just tickled when I saw she had a star. Hopefully I'll remember to add the photo here when I'm not too tired.It's been a very long day.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Puppets Rule

I have puppets on my mind today. I have a puppet Twitter here: http://twitter.com/TippythePuppet I want to make some new puppets for my Etsy Shop now that that stupid law has been put on hold for a year for further study. You know the one that wants every single toy checked for lead even if it's made out of yarn and could easily put starving artists out of business.

So, what kind of puppets should I make? Now that I've done some wood carving I'd love to carve a puppet head. And I really haven't explored gourd puppets all that much. And big mouth puppets might be fun. Do you have a puppet opinion?