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Friday, February 18, 2011

How Bad Do You Need to Win?

Another puppet maker whose name I won't mention came to Etsy chat to announce her felt finger puppet was entered into a blog contest.  She asked people in the room to come vote her up, since someone was beating her by a hair. I guess I don't have issues with that.

Then she went on to say she'd hopped onto every computer she could find to vote for herself.  Now that's just sad.

So I went to look at the entries, and there was another puppet maker in the contest.  She had entered two marionettes which take way more work than one tiny finger puppet. So I voted for her, even though she's way behind the leaders.  So I went to her blog and found this adorable witch puppet. I just had to share it.


The other puppet maker from Etsy will probably win the contest, but the way she's doing it is suspect.  Just doesn't seem right.

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